School For Deacons

(1 Reviews)
2451 Ridge Rd, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA

(510) 204-0752

Contact and Address

Category: University,
Address: 2451 Ridge Rd, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA
Postal code: 94709
Phone: (510) 204-0752

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  • (February 24, 2016, 12:56 am)

    Place to learn God's word to the world

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School For Deacons On the Web

Called to Love and Serve | School for Deacons

Give to the School for Deacons Why Give to the School for Deacons? View a list of core principles we can share with potential donors to the School for Deacons. They show the value of the school, and the impact their donation will have on the school, the future of the church, and the care of the world.

Field Education Forms | School for Deacons

School for Deacons | 2451 Ridge, Berkeley, CA 94709-1211 | 510-204-0752 | 2451 Ridge, Berkeley, CA 94709-1211 | 510-204-0752

The School for Deacons 2017 Annual Inquirer's Day | The ...

Join the School for Deacons and learn about the ministry and formation of the deacon, the school program, and their curriculum. ... RSVP:, 510.204.0752 ...

School in Berkeley, CA, Ridge Road -

School for Deacons has been preparing Deacons for service in several dioceses since 1980. The program is tailored to meet the needs of working adults - meeting on 12 weekends a year, plus a weekend...

University in Berkeley, CA -

2650 DURANT AVE 94704 Berkeley (510) 642-3141 Overview of the University of California system, including 10 campuses, 5 medical centers and 3 national labs.