Lakeland Elementary School

(1 Reviews)
12530 Lakeland School Dr, Deepwater, MO 64740, USA

(417) 644-2223

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Category: School,
Address: 12530 Lakeland School Dr, Deepwater, MO 64740, USA
Postal code: 64740
Phone: (417) 644-2223

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (June 14, 2017, 3:10 pm)

    Lakeland is a small, rural, k-12 school educating all students for the future. They do a good job with the limited funding they have like so many rural schools.

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Photos of Lakeland Elementary School

Lakeland Elementary School | 12530 Lakeland School Dr, Deepwater, MO 64740, USA | Phone: (417) 644-2223

Lakeland Elementary School On the Web

Lakeland Elementary School in Lakeland TN -

Lakeland Elementary School school profile, performance trends and TN state ranking. See how Lakeland Elementary School ranks with other Lakeland schools. Lakeland Elementary School. Public PK, KG-4. 10050 Oak Seed LN Lakeland, TN 38002.

Lakeland Elementary School Profile (2018-19) | Deepwater, MO

Lakeland Elementary School in Deepwater, Missouri serves 235 students in grades Prekindergarten-6. Tel: (417)644-2281. Lakeland Elementary School placed in the bottom 50% of all schools in Missouri for overall test scores (math proficiency is bottom 50%, and reading proficiency is top 50...

Lakeland Elementary School in Deepwater, MO 64740

Detailed school profile about Lakeland Elementary School in Deepwater, Missouri. View school contacts, ratings, reviews, test scores, student to teacher ratios and much more... View alumni from The Lakeland Elementary School at®.

Lakeland Elementary School Lewisville, TX -

School Summary Lakeland Elementary School is located at 800 FOX AVE, LEWISVILLE, TX, 75067. The school is part of LEWISVILLE ISD. To contact the school, call (469) 713-5992. Teachers Lakeland Elementary School employs 67 teachers, who have been with the school an average of 9...

417-644-2281 - Lakeland Elementary School Phone Number...

Lakeland Elementary School is located in Deepwater, MO and can be reached at: 417-644-2281. Get more information on Lakeland Elementary School by viewing our in-depth profile. Lookup results: 417-644-2281. Lakeland Elementary School. Edit Listing.

Lakeland Elementary School - Lakeland, Tennessee... | GreatSchools

Lakeland Elementary School located in Lakeland, Tennessee - TN. Find Lakeland Elementary School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Lakeland Elementary School. Claimed. 10050 Oak Seed La, Lakeland, TN 38002.

Lakeland Elementary School / Homepage

Lakeland Elementary School. Inspiring and preparing all learners for their future in our community and the world. Click on the link below to view a detailed map of the new attendance boundaries for the Willmar District elementary buildings beginning with the 2016-2017 school year.

Lakeland Elementary School, Deepwater, MO - LAKELAND R-III...

School location: 12530 LAKELAND SCHOOL DR DEEPWATER, MO 64740 (417) 644-2281. This elementary school has a total enrollment of 248 students with approximately 22 full-time teachers. It has a student to teacher ratio of about 11 students per teacher.

Lakeland Elementary School in Lakeland, TN - Niche

Lakeland Elementary School is a top rated, public school located in Lakeland, TN. It has 850 students in grades PK, K-4 with a student-teacher ratio of 13 to 1. According to state test scores, 84% of students are at least proficient in math and 71% in reading.

North Lakeland Elementary School - 12 Photos - Elementary... - Yelp

North Lakeland Elementary School in Lakeland, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Lakeland and beyond. North Lakeland Elementary School. 410 W Robson St, Lakeland, FL 33805.